Monday, February 21, 2011

I Want To Go Backpacking!

We are half way through the month of February and the doldrums of winter are weighing heavily on me, so it is no wonder I find my thoughts drifting to lazy days at the lake, my line in the water, just enjoying the panoramic vistas of Gods wild places. Walking quietly down the trail surprised to see a few deer standing proudly 30 or 40 yards down the trail in front of me wondering why I am in their woods, or sitting by the fire in awe as I watch the majesty of the stars above me, thinking of how small I am in comparison.

This is also the time of year that I like to start planning the camping, hiking, and backpacking trips that will fill my summer days. The way I like to start is by going through my gear checking to see if any of it needs to be repaired or replaced. It is a sinking feeling when you are packing for a trip and realize that you forgot to repair the shoulder strap on your pack when you got home from that trip last fall. This is also a good time of year to make up grades to your gear. A lot of manufactures are bringing out their new gear lines and discounting the previous year’s items. The end result for you could be drastic savings on those items. Sure they are not the latest and greatest for this year but they are the ones that you wished you could buy at this time last year, if it would have been an up grade to your gear last year it will probably still be an up grade this year, just at a cheaper price.

After I am satisfied that my gear is ready it’s time to hit the internet and surf the forums to see which trails I want to venture out on this year. Since my kids are still relatively new to hiking their abilities are a driving force in those plans. We have to plan shorter trips, more rest breaks, easier terrain, and take items that will help fill those down times in camp that are bound to happen. The last thing you want is to be trapped in a tent with your kids for a whole day due to heavy rains with nothing to occupy their time.

When planning a trip, one of the things I like to do is split trails in half. We will do one half of the trail in one trip and the other a few weeks later. This helps kids get use to backpacking, gives you the time on the trail you want, gets all of you outside doing something as a family, and makes memories for your family that will last a lifetime. Even if you don’t have kids a good way to get extra time on the trail is to split trails into sections. A trip that would normally give you two nights can be split into two one night trips. You’re spending the same amount time on the trail but instead of taking one or two trips a month it is allowing you to get out there every weekend.

How ever you decide to do it get out there and live a little, make some lasting memories, have fun, and be safe!

Pictures are from Yahoo images.

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